Monday, August 6, 2007

19 Days


It has been 19 days since we brought little Mojo home and life is wonderful. Mojo is completely housetrained and for the past few days he has not put up a fight when we put him to bed in his own bed. Knock on wood this is how life with Mojo will always be.

This past weekend Richard and I took Mojo to a park in our neighborhood. Mojo isn't really a "fetch" kind of dog unless it involves the mice that belong to the cats. In any event we took him off leash and threw mini tennis balls for him. He was not interested so Rich and I played catch with each other. A few more dogs showed up at the park and the party was on. Mojo was having a great time until a small boy picked him up and dropped him ... poor baby! We headed home shortly after the incident.

While at the park we had one of those moments where you feel like an absentee dog parent. We were playing with Mojo when a lady showed up with her dog. She said "Oh, that is Mojo, Aaron walks him". Sadly our dog is more times associated with our dog walker than with us. The lady's daughter noticed that Mojo's dog tag had been corrected and informed us Mojo plays with their dog often. We are missing out on so much of our little dogs little life!

Mojo doing his best Pointer impression

Richard says "Be the ball, Mojo"

Well that is all from us for now. This weekend we are hitting up a local dog park to meet some other Chihuahua / Chixs. Don't worry, I will take pictures ... heehee!

Be well,

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