Monday, March 26, 2007

Family Time

In each family a story is playing itself out, and each family's story embodies its hope and despair.
- Auguste Napier


Wow, I can't believe the weekend is already over. Where did the time go?! Richard and I started out the weekend with some family time. Friday night we had dinner with Richard's Dad, Eric and Porsha. We had some very special guests; Richard's Aunt Phyllis and Uncle Larry from Idaho were in town along with their sons, Andy and David, for a California vacation. We had a great time. Many laughs and smiles!

Group Photo

The Cousins

David and Andy

Bruce and Phyllis

Saturday Richard had to work so I continued to put our new home together. The cats weren't much help, as you can see...

It looks as though they are trying to blend into the background. I could post pictures from Sunday but they would pretty much be duplicates from Saturday ... heehee!

Saturday night Richard and I explored Camarillo and did a little shopping. Camarillo has a small town feel so we were eager to try out a local restaurant. We chose a yummy Mexican restaurant and ate Taquitos to our hearts content and our stomachs discontent. This particular restaurant is hosting a champagne brunch on Easter. Juevos Rancheros and champagne, does life get any better?

Sorry for the long entry but, in my defense, it is 1 entry for 3 days. Thanks for reading!

Be well,

1 Fabulous Comments:

Sandee said...

Welcome back to Cali!!!! :-)