Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Hiking We Will Go

This past weekend we took Mojo on his first hike. We went to Escondido Canyon State Park in Malibu, or The Bu as we like to call it. Mojo was a trooper. He hiked the whole trail, through streams and up hills. He was definitely the smallest dog on the trail that day. At the end of the trail you come to a waterfall. Although very pretty visually, it smelled like sulfate. YUCK!!! Sadly the most difficult part of the day was hiking up the hill to get to the trail.

After our hike we headed over to Malibu Country Mart for some grub. As is usually the case people see Mojo and they want to touch him and know why kind of dog he is and we usually oblige and let them pet him then tell him he is a Mini Chocolate Lab. The look on peoples faces are hilarious. Sometimes they believe us and sometimes they don't. We like to keep them wondering ... heehee!

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