Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sweet Day

This morning I found the sweetest little Valentine from the sweetest little boy on our door step. The Valentine came with candy hearts and chocolate chip cookies. Sorry, no pictures of those; they are in my belly ... yummy!

Recently a friend from way back in the day found me on MySpace. When I say way back in the day I am talking about my Utah years 1975 - 1985. Dyana and I both lived on Poppy Lane in Sandy and would play together all the time. After my Mom and I moved to Cali I would stay with my Grandma during the summer and I would play with Dyana whenever I could. Well now Dyana is back in my life and I am happy to call her a friend again. Some people really make footprints in your life and she is definitely one of those people. She is happily married now and all grown-up. Today she sent me a pic from back in the day. I think my two front teeth were on my Christmas wish list that year. Brace yourselves ...

2 Fabulous Comments:

Dyana said...

Asya...That was a sweet post, Thank you!
Did you notice that we have used the same template for our blogs? Funny, huh? Talk to you soon! Dyana

Redheadhime said...

Wow talk about rocking the 70's Farrah Fawcett hair!

Love the outfit too!