Monday, August 13, 2007

Dog Days of August

Read this post if you dare!

Another weekend has come and gone. Wooosh, gone! Oh to be a pampered dog or cat who can lounge around the house every day. Speaking of dogs, I finished Mojo's sweater this morning. Granted it is still the middle of summer but I was dying to knit him something. Now the only one dying is Mojo ... dying of humility!

Yesterday we took Mojo to a Chihuahua Meet-Up group at a local dog park. I had the hopes that Mojo would make some new friends. Mojo thought differently. He wouldn't leave my side except to run to Richard's side. He wasn't interested in making friends with anyone, two or four legged. I am determined to make him social. Baby steps.

After the dog park we headed out to lunch with The Rose Family but first we stopped off at World Market. Much to Mojo's chagrin we put him in his dog bag and pushed him around in the cart. Turns out dogs aren't allowed in World Market. Hello, then why do they sell doggy items?!?!?

The people at the restaurant and mall were much more understanding and welcomed Mojo with somewhat open arms. At the end of the day we were all exhausted and couldn't wait to lay our heads upon our pillows.

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